Church Planting on a Southern Island 

Earlier this year, we sent Josué and Alondra out of Liberty Baptist Church in Santiago to work in a church plant on the island of Chiloé in southern Chile. This month, Lori and I had the opportunity to travel to Chiloé and spend several days with them and the young church. We were encouraged to see the small group of growing believers meeting together weekly. God has given Josué a heart to reach all of the islands around Chiloé with gospel-preaching churches. We look forward, by faith, to what God will do in the remote area of Chile. 

Josué studied at the Chile Training Center, was trained for ministry at Liberty Baptist, and is now working in ministry full-time as a church planter. All of this is possible only because of God’s grace and your faithful prayers and support. Thank you for investing in the ministry in Chile! 

Reaching Colombian Immigrants 

Chile’s strong economy has attracted immigrants from many Latin American countries in recent years. We currently have people from Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Haiti, and Argentina in our different churches. Recently, Francisco, one of the Chilean believers, invited a Colombian coworker, Manuel, to church. Manuel and his Colombian girlfriend, Alejandra, began to attend regularly. Soon Alejandra’s sister and parents began to attend as well. Manuel also brought a couple of his Colombian coworkers to church. Within the first few weeks of June, we saw 5-6 people put their faith in Christ! We are praying for several others and hope to see them trust Christ soon! Praise the Lord for the opportunity to reach other nationalities from Chile! 

Prayers, Praises, and Updates 

1. Some of you read our email and social media updates about several robberies in the first couple of weeks in June. Several gave to help us replace what was stolen and install an electric security fence around the entire Chile Training Center property. Thank you!
2. Our son, Joshua, turned 17 on June 20th. Lori and I are so proud to see how he is maturing as a young man. At this time, he feels God is leading him to the mission field. He is studying in a dual-enrollment program with Veritas Baptist College while he finishes his high school studies.
3. In July, we will host our annual youth conference. Please pray for this week of preaching and teaching!