Thank you for praying for the ongoing construction at Liberty Baptist Church in Santiago. The higher security walls are up, and we’re looking at options for a roof that will fit the budget. We’re moving forward with the work but are also navigating some complicated paperwork. Please pray with us that this can get resolved soon!

We thank the Lord for providing $19,426 for this project and pray that He will raise the remaining $20,574 in the next few weeks and months.

Would you consider helping us? Here are 2 ways to give:

  • To give online, click here. You can choose the designation Land for Liberty Baptist Church and give a one-time donation or even select a recurring donation to be spread throughout the year.
  • You can also send your donation to Vision Baptist Missions, PO Box 647 Dawsonville, GA 30534 and mark it for Land for Liberty Baptist Church Chile.

Pictured below are some of the members and families of Liberty Baptist at the recent Multiply Conference. This young church is excited and is giving towards the Land for Liberty project. Thank you for praying and partnering with us to advance the gospel in Chile!