Continuing Countdown: 36 Days & $9,902

Continuing Countdown: 36 Days & $9,902

In the past week, we received a gift of $524 towards the property purchase for Trinity Baptist Church in Santiago! With this gift, the remaining amount needed by the end of September is $9,902. We are now under the $10,000 mark. Praise the Lord for providing! If the...
Kids Outreach at Liberty

Kids Outreach at Liberty

Liberty Baptist had a great evangelistic children’s outreach. Many church members came to serve, including those in the kids’ ministry, several teenagers, and families, and we had over 15 visitors from the community! Our youngest son, Andrew, taught the...
Family Conference

Family Conference

This past week, I was invited to speak at Bethel Baptist’s Family Conference. I spoke on the God-given roles in a family, strengthening marriages, raising godly children, and serving the Lord as a family. I’m grateful for the opportunity to challenge this...

Happy Children’s Day!

In Chile, we celebrate Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Children’s Day. Several churches held Children’s Day Celebrations this past weekend that are similar to a one-day VBS. Invitations were given, contacts were made, fun was had, and the...

The Countdown Continues: 49 Days & $10,426

In the past week, two supporting churches committed to give a total of $10,000 to the property purchase for Trinity Baptist Church in Santiago! Praise the Lord! With these gifts, the remaining amount needed by the end of September is now $10,426. If you want to give,...