Four Years!

Liberty Baptist Church in Parral in southern Chile recently celebrated their 4th anniversary! This young church was planted in March 2020, right when the pandemic began, and Chile essentially went into lockdown for almost 2 years. And yet God has given Liberty Baptist...

Partnering & Training

Missionary Baptist Church of Coquimbo and La Serena recently sent a young man to study at the Chile Baptist College. This young man has been a blessing to the Bible College and a great testimony of his church. We are thankful to partner with churches like Missionary...

Easter Outreach

Last week, many of the churches in Chile held special evangelistic services for Easter. Thirty-four kids participated in Bethel Baptist’s Easter activity, while Cross Baptist welcomed over 60 kids and family members to their gospel service! We thank God for how...

Disciples Discipling

After a year of studying the Bible together, a woman at Valle del Huasco Baptist Church recently finished going through discipleship lessons with another young lady from the congregation. Additionally, a married couple at Valle del Huasco is mentoring and discipling...

Project Trinity 100: Another $3,365 Given!

God is continuing to provide for Project Trinity 100!! Through the generous gift of another supporter, we are now at $28,085 given, leaving us with $71,915 still needed to buy property for Trinity Baptist!  You can send your gift to Vision Baptist Missions, PO...

Inaugural Service at Grace Baptist Church

Yesterday was Grace Baptist’s inaugural service in a new location in Padre Hurtado, a community on the southwest edge of Santiago. For weeks now, missionary Kyle Shreve, who is currently pastoring the church, has been hard at work passing out tracts, and they...