Missions Conferences at Church Plants 

Many of our churches host their annual missions conferences in October. In the past few weeks, I have had the honor to preach at three conferences in three church plants. The first conference was on the southern island of Chiloe. Josué Moreno and his family are seeing fruit there! Mauricio is one of the new believers I met. He has been the town drunk for a long time. Now, he’s been saved by God’s grace! The second conference was in the southern town of Parral with Carlos Fernandez. God is blessing this church (pictured to the right) as they continue to establish new believers in God’s Word. The third conference was at Cross Baptist with John Moncada. This church is surrounded by millions of people on the west side of Santiago and has seen the most growth in the past year. We are very encouraged to see these churches applying the Great Commission at home and abroad! They all have a heart for missions. 

Renewed – Ladies Conference 

Lori worked alongside several Chilean pastors’ wives to organize a ladies’ conference with over 150 in attendance! Their theme was “Renewed.” They enjoyed several Bible lessons and meals together. I am so thankful for Lori’s dedication to the ministry. She mentors so many young ladies. She serves tirelessly, and her loving fingerprints are all over the ministry in Chile! 

Teaching Pastors in Bolivia 

Last month, I enjoyed visiting Kevin and Beth White in Cochabamba, Bolivia, where they have faithfully planted churches since 2006. While there, I also spent some time with Andrew Wilder and Courtney Mathos, both VBM missionaries.

Kevin invited me to speak at their Multiply Conference. We had three evening services with believers from several churches. In the mornings, I taught a group of Bolivian pastors about discipleship and church planting for several days. I took my son Andrew along on this trip, and we both left encouraged about all that God is doing in Bolivia.