Expanding the Classroom

Lori and I have been busy preparing and recording our classes for the upcoming trimester at the Chile Baptist College, which begins in March. She will be teaching Biographies of Godly Women, while I will be teaching Introduction to Missions. Please...

Challenging Pastors & Leaders Retreat

Thank you for praying for the leadership retreat we held this past weekend with pastors, missionaries, leaders, and several students from the Chile Baptist College. Representatives from eight different churches across Santiago and central Chile attended. In various...

Baptisms from Chiloé to Santiago

From Harvest Baptist Church on the island of Chiloé to Bethel Baptist, Cross Baptist, Liberty Baptist, and other churches in Santiago, we thank the Lord for the many people who have recently followed Him in believer’s baptism. Over the past few weeks, churches...

Peace Baptist Church – New Church Plant!

Almost two years ago, Faith Baptist Church—the first church we planted in Chile—started a Bible study in the Pedro Aguirre Cerda community in central Santiago. Since then, the members of Faith Baptist have seen God work in amazing ways in this area and through the...

Chile Baptist College Roof Completed!

We praise the Lord for allowing us to complete the construction of a large, metallic, pavilion-style roof over the open space at the Chile Baptist College! Not only have we finished the roof, but God also allowed us to refinish the flooring, enclose part of the...

Happy 9th Anniversary, Liberty Baptist Church!

Liberty Baptist Church in Santiago recently celebrated its 9th anniversary! While the church has been navigating some difficult circumstances and is currently looking and praying for property, we are grateful for the faithfulness of its pastoral leadership and members...